With a Mother and Two Daughters Dangling over a Bridge's edge Trapped in a Car, Seabees Act in Time

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Watch it all, very heartwarming.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, Children, Defense, National Security, Military, Marriage & Family, Travel

4 comments on “With a Mother and Two Daughters Dangling over a Bridge's edge Trapped in a Car, Seabees Act in Time

  1. Marie Blocher says:

    Sometimes God sends his angels in camo.

  2. Cennydd13 says:


  3. sophy0075 says:

    That was not “good luck.” That was God! Atheists who don’t believe in miracles should watch this. “Happenstance” – not!

  4. Gnu Ordure says:

    [blockquote]Atheists who don’t believe in miracles should watch this. [/blockquote]I watched it, Sophy. I saw the aftermath of an accident in which one person was violently killed and three others injured and placed in danger, from which they were rescued by other people. The dead man was unlucky; the family were lucky. Where’s the miracle, exactly?